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from The complete mystery of Edwin Drood
Edited by J. Cuming Walters
Chapman & Hall, Ld.

Author, or Article. Fate of Drood. Identity of Datchery. Fate of Neville. Other Conclusions.
Forster Murdered by Jasper. Probably Tartar. Died. Rosa married to Tartar, Helena to Crisparkle, Jasper condemned to death.
Stephens (drama) Murdered. Neville Landless. -- Jasper died by poison.
"Orpheus C. Kerr" Escaped. Bazzard. -- (Ends in burlesque).
"Gillan Vase" Escaped, after attack by Jasper. Detective employed by Grewgious. Died of consumption. Rosa married to Drood; Helena to Crisparkle; Jasper, suicide by opening veins.
Cornhill Magazine (1884) Murdered. A detective. "Lived and began the world anew." --
Morford Thrown by Jasper from Cathedral tower, but survived. -- -- Helena Landless, disguised as a boy, heard Jasper's confession in the opium den.
Macdermott (drama) Escaped. Bazzard. -- Jasper died from schock on Drood's reappearance
Proctor Escaped, after attack. Edwin Drood, disguised. Died. Rosa married to Drood; Jasper, "terrible punishment."
Dickens, Junr., and Hatton (drama) Murdered. Grewgious? -- Rosa married to Tartar, Neville survives.
Marzials Murdered. -- -- Jasper condemned to death.
Walters Murdered. Helene Landless. Killed by Jasper Rosa married to Tartar; Helena to Crisparkle; Jasper condemned to death.
Lang Escaped. Drood or Neville Landless. Died. Jasper hanged, Helena married to Crisparkle, Edwin goes to Egypt, Rosa married to Tartar.
Archer Escaped. Drood. -- Jasper "would begin life afresh" after re-encountering Drood in the vault.
Fitzgerald Murdered. Bazzard. -- --
Fildes, Sir L. Murdered. -- -- --
Smetham Murdered. Bazzard. -- --
Odgers, Dr. -- Bazzard. -- --
Gadd Murdered. Tartar. -- --
F.C.B. (Cambridge Review) Murdered. Neille Landless. -- --
Matchett Murdered. Bazzard. -- --
Carr (drama) Escaped. Drood Died. Jasper merely dreamed he had committed the contemplated crime. Died in gaol, after Drood had re-appeared to him. Drood married to Rosa.
Leffman, Dr. Murdered. Bazzard (?). -- --
Perugini (Madame) Murdered. Bazzard (?). Died. --
Charles Murdered. Bazzard. -- --
Jackson, Prof. Murdered. Helena Landless. -- --
James, Dr. Escaped. Uncertain ("if Drood were killed, Datchery would be Helena Landless"). -- --
Chesterton, (G.K.) Insoluble. Insoluble. -- --
Chesterton, C. ("K.") Escaped. Bazzard. -- --
Shorter Escaped. Helena Landless. -- --
S.Y.E. (Nottingham Guardian) Escaped. Bazzard. Saved. Edwin Drood spends six months in the East, and returns to confront Jasper.
Hellier, Dr. Murdered. Helena Landless. Killed. --
Nicoll, Sir W.R. Murdered. Helena Landless. Killed. Characters disposed of as stated by Forster.