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W. Robertson Nicoll transcribed Dickens' working notes for Drood thus: NOTES FOR THE NOVEL (MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD.--NO. IV.) CHAPTER XIII BOTH AT THEIR BEST The Last Interview And Parting. CHAPTER XIV WHEN SHALL THESE THREE MEET AGAIN? How each passes the day. Neville. Watch and shirt pin Edwin. Watch to the all Edwin's jewellery. Jasper. Jewellers. 'And so he goes up the Postern Stair.' Storms of wind. CHAPTER XV IMPEACHED Neville away cart. Pursued and brought back. Mr. Grewgious's communication: And his scene with Jasper. CHAPTER XVI DEVOTED Jasper's artful use of the communication on his recovery. Closterham Weir, Mr. Crisparkle, and the watch and the pin. Jasper's artful turn. The DEAN. Neville cast out. Jasper's Diary 'I devote myself to his destruction.' Edwin and Rosa for the last time? DONE ALREADY. Kinfederel. Edwin disappears. THE MYSTERY. DONE ALREADY. (End.)